Get your messages delivered!
SmartSMS helps businesses like yours deliver their messages to their clients/customers successfully using SMS, voice, and email
We are trusted by over 45,000 businesses.

Successfully and effectively reach your customers
through their preferred channel to boost your business sales

Thinking of effective communication for your business?
Choose SmartSMSSolutions
Simple Pricing
All our products and services have simple and plain pricing. You pay for what you use. For the quality we offer, we offer the pricing in the industry.
Robust Infrastructure
With an infrastructure that can handle millions of requests per hour, we've got you covered regardless of your transaction volume.
Excellent Support
You have access to our support 24/7 and a dedicated account manager. Regardless of the channel of communication you prefer, we've got you covered
Speedy Delivery
We believe that successful communication is the one that is delivered on time. We give optimum priority to the speed of delivery to ensure your business' success.

Robust API Documentation
The API documentation is simple yet robust. It provides an easy platform your integrate our product and service into your existing applications. The endpoints are well documented and designed well enough to simplify your integration process. Sample codes for over 20 programming languages included.