Receiving a negative business review can be frustrating and disheartening, but it can also be an opportunity to turn the situation around and improve your business. Here’s how to turn a negative business review into a positive opportunity.
Receiving a negative business review can be frustrating and disheartening, but it can also be an opportunity to turn the situation around and improve your business. Here’s how to turn a negative business review into a positive opportunity.
Tracking and managing business leads is an essential part of any sales process. By keeping track of potential customers and following up with them regularly, you can increase your chances of making a sale and growing your business. Here are five tips when tracking and managing business leads.
Qualifying a business lead is an important step in the sales process. It helps you determine whether a potential customer is a good fit for your product or service and whether it's worth investing time and resources in pursuing the lead. Here are five steps to help you in qualifying a business lead.
This article provides you with details of investors that fund agriculture in Nigeria.
Many small and large businesses are now using flyers to gain more brand awareness and secure more customers. But do you truly need to use them? How important are they to your business? See how.
It might seem so farfetched when you think about using a billboard to advertise your products. Is it even necessary to use billboards? This article discusses billboards and how important they are or not in marketing your business.
Whether you’re new to business or you’ve been running a business, you must have a solid business plan that would guide you as you run your business. This article guides you on how to build a detailed business plan and offers templates that you can use to build your business plan to help your business stand out.
Do you dislike your job? Does the thought of going to work fill you with anxiety? Perhaps you want to resign but are not sure how to go about it. Here are practical ways to help you resign from a job you don't like.
Emoticons and Emojis add life and color to our text messages but is it appropriate to use these colorful smiley faces in every texting situation, read more to find out.
The wording of an SMS is as important as the SMS itself. How do I word my SMS to make it appeal? Read more to find out how.
The marketing/ operational value of SMS cannot be overemphasised in today's world. Just like every other industry, the travel/ transport industry can benefit from SMS, below are a few ways that it can be made possible.
Has SMS as a means of business communication lost its relevance due to the invention of other communication mediums such as WhatsApp? Read more to find out.
The terms and conditions attached to getting loans can be scary and discouraging. Here are 5 practical tips that have proven to be useful when it comes to negotiating business loans.
Engaged employees are a great asset to every organization. Keeping your employees engaged day in, and day out is no small feat. See how you can use Internal communication to foster employee engagement.
There is no easy way to fire an individual. But you can fire people nicely and avoid hard feelings. Keep reading to see how you can do this.
When internal communication is improved; employee satisfaction, employee productivity, retention, and profitability in the business are equally improved. With these benefits in mind, businesses need to assess how effective their internal communications are. Here are ways to measure the quality of internal communications in the workplace.
Zoom may be such a popular video conferencing software option because it's so easy to use. Once set up, you can start talking to your colleagues in just a few clicks. Here’s how to hold your business meetings on Zoom.
Workplace communication can take many different forms. In these different forms there are ways which you can seek to communicate effectively. Here are some of them.
There is a need to avoid the high costs your business will incur in communicating poorly. In doing this, you will first need to identify the barriers which you are experiencing in communications and follow the correct steps to remove the barriers.
Although oral and written communication skills are important, research shows that nonverbal behaviors make up a large part of our daily interpersonal communication. Here’s how you can improve your nonverbal communication skills to help you communicate better with your colleagues.
With memes, you can get people’s attention quickly and spread any information you wish to share. Memes make you more relatable, spread information, and encourage people. Here are ways you can effectively use these memes to boost internal communications.
In the workplace, you will have to interact with the other people there. These people could either be your superiors, colleagues or even subordinates. The communication you maintain with these people can be of two types: official and unofficial communication. But how can you differentiate between the two?
Although you are allowed to fully express yourself when communicating in business, there should be things you do and things you don’t do when engaging in such communication. Here are some of them.
No matter what industry you're in, email is helping you. With this decades-old amazing technology, you can send messages anywhere in the world in seconds for almost no cost. The phone provides faster interaction than email, is more personal, and is quick and easy to use. But when is the best time to use which to communicate with your clients? Read through the article to find out.
The phone is the most common way of passing across any information. In an informal setting, information is best relayed over the phone. But is it all types of information that should be handled over the phone? Here are some that are best handled over the phone.
Sometimes your business may just need a simple means of spreading information. Some tools are more effective than others in spreading out this information and in maintaining sound communication. Here are some of them.
Problems in business are one of the things that business owners can’t escape from as they are bound to experience and encounter such once in a while. And this is why the best approach to problems associated with business is not to ignore or leave them unresolved. To help you understand more, we will share with you 5 problems that effective business communication can solve.
Motivation plays a big role in our work habits and performance. As an employer, how motivated are your employees? How can you motivate them further without money?
Information can easily be misunderstood, this is why great care should go into business communication, as an error in translation carries a lot of consequences.
How you relate & deliver your ideas to your teammates and colleagues in your workplace matters. It is vital to build and have interpersonal communication with your colleagues. Irrespective of this, some individuals don't know how to develop interpersonal communication in their workplaces.
When it comes to workplaces, communication is one thing that should be at least 80% perfect. Over the years, the use of technology in different areas of human existence has been a blessing. This technology is also applicable to improving communication in workplaces. In this article, we will share the role technology plays in improving communication in the workplace.
Every business should have two forms of communication as part of it - external and internal communication. The external communication has to do with the customers, while the internal communication deals with the owners and employees. That said, internal communication in business is a must-have, and in this article, we will discuss what it means and why it is important.
Communication makes it smoother for things to be done faster in a workplace/ business environment. This is why there will be a significant problem if the internal employees fail to communicate appropriately. In this piece, we will share some tips that will help you improve internal employee communication in your business.
In promoting your brand, you will develop a business reputation. Keep to these steps and you will not only build and maintain a good business reputation but also retain your loyal customers and simultaneously attract new ones.
Want to increase your productivity during meetings? You will need to prepare adequately. Prepare for your business meetings with these principles to increase the quality of your contributions while saving valuable meeting time.
People always tend to stay silent during virtual meetings. This can be a good sign as it indicates attentiveness and is a valid work communication style. In some other cases, it can indicate alarming discomfort. Use these tactics to get them to speak up.
Some people have made it a habit to always be late to meetings, and they have done this unconsciously. But with these secrets, you can turn around that habitual lateness into being admired by your co-workers for being so punctual to meetings.
Does coming to work every day, with a smile on your face, and leaving at the close of work count as engagement? How do you know when an employee is engaged, and how does this differ from work satisfaction?
Learn in this article how to set up an effective business communication process.
In every relationship, communication is very important, and business relationships are not an exception. Learn what business communication entails, why it's important, and how to go about it.
When it comes to business communications, there are many options available to companies, each with its merits and demerits. The best channels for business communications might interest you.
Did you know that your communication skills can make the difference between getting a job or not, getting promotions or staying stagnant in an organization, and also contributing to business growth? Learn 10 of the best communication skills to develop in the workplace.
As a boss, termination of an appointment is something you get to do sometimes. It can be a daunting task. Here is an excellent guide to help you accomplish this task.
Are you struggling with keeping your employees motivated at work? One of the things you can do is to incentivize them. Find out some of the sure ways of incentivizing employees.
Knowing how engaged or not your employees are is vital to the growth of your organization. This article discusses effective ways by which you can measure the level of your employees' engagement.
Why do you have to go the extra mile to keep old members of staff? What value do your older staff members add to your organization? Find out in this article.
A sure way to get the best out of your employees is to give them needed training. How necessary and effective are these training sessions? Keep reading to find out.
Are you just a team member or you are a team player? How well do you do when assigned to work with a team? Read this article to see how you can do better in a team.
Every organization needs to have good strong teams in place if they are to record successes. This article provides practical help on what you can do to build a good work team.
A winning team is every employer's dream. Winning teams should be the only kind of teams allowed to exist and function. Those teams that make excellent pitches, get contracts approved, break boundaries, are innovative, set records and execute tasks on time are what we refer to as winning teams. Are you part of a winning team? How can you identify a winning team?
Ever want to tell a customer "No", but didn't want to use the word itself? No worries, here is a guide on how to say no to a customer without saying no.
Communication is key. Key to what? Key to your business success. See how that is so in this article and learn ways to improve your business communication.
Cooperation is a key element in collaboration. How do you get your employees or teammates to always cooperate with you and with each other? Find out in this article.
What exactly makes some teams do way better than others? Why is your team underperforming? How can you make sure your team continues to soar?
What does it take to be a good manager? Managing humans is no small task. How can you achieve success in the business of managing people?
You are at that point in your career where you have to leave a job. How do you tell your boss you are quitting without saying the wrong thing or giving the wrong impression?
Are you finding it difficult to decide which form of communication works best for your business/organization? We will discuss the two forms of communication (written and oral) to help you decide which one is best for your business.
One error in your email is big enough to create unnecessary issues for you at work or in business. To help prevent unnecessary errors and mistakes in email writeups, we will share some tips that will enable you to write the perfect emails at work.
Email has been in existence for a long time, although some business owners think that it may not be effective in terms of converting prospects into buying customers. To find out why email communication in business is important, we came up with this piece to discuss it.