Types of Communications - Which One is Best in Business?
Any interaction using spoken language is considered verbal communication. It is an integral part of business life. Oral communication used in an organization includes personal discussions, staff meetings, telephone conversations, formal and informal conversations, and presentations.
Verbal communication outside the organization can take the form of telephone calls, face-to-face meetings, presentations, teleconferences, or video conferences. The way employees communicate with each other creates an image of the business.
Excellent oral communication skills enhance the ability of individuals to share their thoughts, ideas, and concerns. Good verbal communication in the workplace is essential for companies with employees from diverse backgrounds. This helps reduce barriers due to cultural and language differences. Many international businesses organize training to instill effective communication skills in their employees, which can be very beneficial in the long run.
Non - Verbal communication:
Non-verbal communication includes various expressions. Physical examples include posture, gestures, eye contact, touch, physiological responses (such as sweaty forehead), and movement patterns. The choice of clothes and accessories can also be a form of non-verbal communication.
The importance of non-verbal communication in business is that it increases the chances of interacting with colleagues, competitors, customers, and prospects through ways other than clear word choices. Posture, tone of voice, and eye contact can convey subtle messages that reinforce what is being said to convey consistency and credibility.
Written communication:
Written communication includes any form of information using the written word. Written communication is the most important and effective of all business communication methods. No face-to-face communication is required, for example, you can tell an employee they will be working overtime via email instead of in person.
Written communication helps save money (you can send emails instead of long-distance calls). It can also serve as a form of written evidence (that is, in case of a dispute). However, with written communication, there could be communication delays (it may take some time to reach the intended recipient).
Visual communication:
Visual communication is the transfer or relay of information using visual aids. Visual communication relies on sight to perceive and process images. Visual aids may be in the form of advertising, animation, illustration, graphic design, typography, drawing, or industrial design. Visual communication takes place through the use of graphics, diagrams, pictures, signs, signals, and symbols.
Visual communication connects everyone through technology and innovation. Businesses can use visual aids during meetings to promote greater understanding among participants. Visual aids may include whiteboards, poster boards, handouts, video clips, projection equipment, and computer-based presentations. All of these multimedia technology systems can help businesses incorporate visual communication into the workplace.
Formal communication:
Formal business communication is structured, predetermined communication that occurs in business. They are usually organized by owners, employers, and senior management who have developed communication guidelines. An example of corporate formal communication is the training of new employees.
Informal communication:
Informal communication is casual communication between colleagues in the workplace. It is informal and is based on informal, social relationships that develop in the workplace outside the hierarchy of the normal business structure.
It is important to note that communication in the workplace can either be formal or informal (regardless of whether it is oral or written). What determines whether it is formal communication or informal communication is whether it was done through the communication structure established in the business.