The value for the TAGs for each of the recipients are stored in a CSV file and are substituted to create unique messages for each of the recipients.
Benefits of Using Smart Compose
It personalizes your text messages with any information you so desire such as the recipient's name, title, address, gender, etc.
It saves time as the TAGs are replaced with the desired value for each of the recipients.
The tag options are abundant. You can set as many as 50 TAG values a message giving you a ton of options for message customization
What is a TAG?
When using Smart Compose, a TAG is a word that is used as a placeholder that will be replaced with the corresponding value in the message for the corresponding recipient.

A tag is created in a message with the hashtag "#", followed by a keyword, then another hash sign "#". To be a valid TAG, only alphabets are allowed as a keyword.
The following are a few examples of valid TAGs.
- #NAME#
- #DOB#
Note: To use the TAG, create a CSV file with the keywords as the title of the column and place the corresponding value in each column for each recipient.
The first column MUST carry the tag #PHONE# and contains the phone numbers. Any keyword can be used in the subsequent columns.
The CSV File
The CSV for the above list of tags will look at the sample below.

Sample Message
A sample message that can be used with the above Smart Compose CSV file might look this:
Dear #NAME#, your registration fee is #AMOUNT#. Please provide your Date of Birth at the point of registration - #DOB#. The receipt shall be mailed to your address at #ADDRESS# and a copy sent to #EMAIL#. Thanks.
The value for each of the recipients will the automatically substituted for the corresponding tag to create a unique message for each recipient.
Examples of Smart Compose
A few of the times Smart Compose might be of great help are:
1. A business may wish to communicate to its clients of their due bill. Since the amount is different for each client, Smart Compose is very effective.
Sample Message:
Dear #NAME#, your current bill is NGN #BILL#. Kindly pay up.
The CSV File

2. A school wish to communicate examination result
Sample Message:
Dear #FIRSTNAME# #LASTNAME#, your entrance score is #SCORE#. Your admission status is #STATUS#. Thank you for choosing ACADEMY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL.
The CSV File

3. Just to personalize a message:
Sample Message:
Hello #NAME#, this is to invite you to our upcoming NATIONAL ASSOCIATION meeting. Hope to see you there.
The CSV File