What is the Friday Prayer? How do you greet a Muslim on Fridays? The Friday prayer usually refers to what? Get to know the answers to these questions and get free sample Muslim Friday prayers on this article.
What is the Friday Prayer? How do you greet a Muslim on Fridays? The Friday prayer usually refers to what? Get to know the answers to these questions and get free sample Muslim Friday prayers on this article.
Do you have loved ones, customers or clients that are Muslims? Religion and culture mean so much to us and are vital aspects of our lives. So, how can you greet a Muslim on a Friday? This article shares great sample greetings for Muslims on Fridays.
Making your customers feel special is non-negotiable. This article contains samples of prayer SMS you can send to your clients.
Allah's mercy will continue 2reach you,
His grace will forever be with you,
His favour will distinguish you and
His help will never be far from you.
Jumat kareem.
The prophet (SAW) said you wil enter paradise easily if you do d ffg:
1. Spread Salam
2.Repair family ties
3.Give out of your wealth
4.Pray in the night wen people are sleepin.
Don't miss out on your ticket to paradise.
Jumat Mubarak.
Jumma (Jummah)
The Most Sacred Day
With Countless Blessings
And Mercies of Allah.
May This Juma
Lighten Your Life With
Teachings Of Islam and
Protect You From Calamity
Have a Blessed Friday ..
O Allah(SWT) render our end better in all our affairs and
save yous from disgrace in this world and hereafter.
Amin Thumma Amin.
Allah's Messenger (pbuh) Said:
"The best day on which the sun has risen is Friday; on it Allah created Adam.
On it, he was made to enter paradise, on it he was expelled from it.
And the last hour will take place on no day other than Friday".
Jumat mubarak!
"verily the most beloved speech to Allah is the servant's saying,
Glorified are you,O Allah,& to You is the praise,
blessed is Your Name and lofty is your Majesty,
there is none worthy of worship other than you.
The most hated speech to Allah is when a man says to another man,
'fear Allah!' and he replies,'worry about your own self!' "
May Allah(swt) free yous frm d shackle of our sins,
update your iman, purify, our heart, accept our ibadahn
bestow on yous jannatul firdaus.
Jumat karim.
may Allah accept this jumat as an act of ibadah,
may we live long to witness many more with joy, happiness and Allah's blessing.
Thanks 4ur support.
Suratul fatiha s ful of blessing,mercy,favour and protectn,its a most read chapter of d Quran daily,
all over d world.i pray by d Power of ALLAH in d surah,
may your lyf b easier,ur family b blessed and your ibadah b accepted and
more younexpected favour 2 com 2 your way.Amin,
barka daa jummah.
AAWW, B Righteous and prayerful 4d prayer of a muslim can never b rejected,
if d exact request is not granted.
Allah compensate wt a better thing.
May Allah Shower
His Countless Blessings
On You and Your Family
on This Holy Day.
Jummah Mubarak.
Allah has created the Angels from intellect but He did not place lust in them,
He created animals with lust but did not place intellect in them intellect,
But He placed both Intellect and Lust in humans,
Therefore he whose intellect overcomes his lust is greater Than the angels and he whose lust overcomes his intellect is lower than animals.
Jumu'ah Mubarak.
May Almighty Allah answer Ur SECRET prayers,
wipe away Ur SECRET tears,
erase Ur SECRET fears &lift U 2 dat position you always Desire today and alwyz.
Jumatul Mufeedah!
O Allah, Charm yous with the beauty of Islam,
influence yous with the ideals of Iman, and
terminate our life with the lyrics of Kalimat Shahada, Ameen.
Jumat Kareem
D most POSITIVE BOOK in D world
A FOUNTAIN of mercy and wisdom
A WARNING 2 D Heedless
A GUIDE 2D Erring
AN ASSURANCE 2 Dos in Doubt
A SOLACE 2 D Suffering &
A HOPE 2 Dos in Despair
May ALLAH grant US D Blessings of the Qur'an
Jumma'atu Kareem
May the guidance of fatiha,
the protection of Ayatul Qursiyu and
the fortification of suratul Ikhlas, falak and Nas be youpon you today Friday and 4eva.
Jumma'at Mubarak!
Wen you're lonely,i wish you luv,
wen you're down,i wish you joy,
wen you're troubled, i wish you peace,
wen tinz seem empty,i wish you hope.
jumat mubarak
When ALLAH is accepting Du'aa today,
may yours be one of them.
When forgiving people today,
may you be one of them.
When showering HIS MERCIES down,
may they land on you.
And wen you cry youn2 HM.
O Allah,Forgive you all your sins
Great and small,The first and the last,
Those that are apparent and those that are hidden.
Jumu'ah Mubarak.
May our deeds attract Allah's love,
Barakah and Noor so that our lives may be filled with peace, freedom and happiness from any calamity.
Jumat Mubarak, Juma'at Kareem, as well as Juma'at Salahuddeen :)
O Allah give yous good in this world and good in the hereafter and
protect yous from the torment of fire.(AMIN) ....
This is jumat tree,which contains fruit of Wisdom&Blessin.
Its all yours 4ever.
May ALLAH accept our Prayers.
Barka Jumat
O Allah, lighten wat is dark yous,
strengthen wat is weak in yous,
mend wat is broken in yous nd honour yous wit sustained peace nd progress this day Amin.
Jumat Kareem.
Yah Allah!
4gve pple I luv,
Acept this deeds,
Make dem beta Muslims!
Save dem frm hell!
Admit dem 2 Jannah!
Especialy d 1 readin this Txt!
"Rabbanaa aatinaa fid-duniyaa hasanaa-
wa fil Akhirati hasanaa- wa kinaa azaaban-naar'
Ameen ya ALLAH!!!
Dis is my prayers 4U and youre family.
Jummaat Mubrq
Surely Allah has full Knowledge of our needs and desires.
Sufficient is He as our protector and comforter.
May He ceaselessly comfort,protect and provide 4 yous insha Allah.
Jumat Mubarak.
Jumat is an opportunity 2 anticipate new adventures that awaits you and
2 place our future in God's guiding hand....
may you find gudness in everything you do inshallahu.
jumat mubarak
If Al-Janah is within human reach I would preserve it 4u,
if its a flower I wld pick it 4u,
if its a birb I wld catch it 4u.
But its a special place no eye has ever seen so I pray Allah to reserv AlJANATUL FIRDAUS 4 you, 4 me n 4 al Muslims in d world.
Jumat Mubarak
As we witness yet anoda Jumah
May Allah grant yous wat is truly essential in lyf,
stronger spirit,braver hrt,endles love and Allah's Hidayah/guidance
Jumatul Mufeedah
May Allah include you among d beneficiaries of today,
save your soul from d flames of Jaheim &
grant you access 2d shade of His throne on d last day
Jumat Kareem.
May Allah include you among d beneficiaries of today,
save your soul from d flames of Jaheim &
grant you access 2d shade of His throne on d last day
Jumat Kareem.
Asalam alykum,may d blesn of Allah fill your life,
happines shall be your portn and
great opportunity will continue in your life,
Barka de Jumat o.
May Allah bless you wit wot you prayed 4,
Reward you wit wot you worked 4,
Grant you wit wot you hope 4 &
surprise you wit wot you av nt ask 4.
Gud morning and happy jumat
Death is not d biggest disaster in Life.
D biggest disaster in Life is when d fear of ALLAH (TAQWAH) dies in yous,
while,we are still alive.
Happy Jumat
"Welcome to the fresh morning"
With a "Smile" on your "Face",
"Love" in your "Heart"
"Good Thoughts"in your "Mind"
U will have a wonderful Day.
Jumat Mubarak.
Oh Allah
pls 4giv yous all our sins great and small
d 1st and d last
dose dat are apparent and dose dat are hidden...
Ameen(jumat mubarak)
May you all have a blessed Friday filled with joy,
Happiness and most of all the pleasure of ALLAH (Subhanu Wata' Ala) Rahma!!
May your kindness b d source of light 4 you in grave,
May you b in Allah's shade on d last day and cross d sirat to Al-jannah in a blink of an eye.
Jumat kareem
Wish you a many many happy returns of d day.
May God bless you wit health,
wealth, prosperity and Kabir
in your life.
Jumat Mubaraq.
Salam to all beings n barka Jumat to all Muslims especially to my benefactors, i mean YOU.
May Allah enrich you wit Jumat benedictions.
Today Is Friday.
To All Brethren In The Faith Of Abraham,
Ghusl Is Recomended,
Recite Surat Kahf,
Go To Jumat Mosque Early, Keep Mute Throughout The Course Of Khutbah,
Supplicate More After Solat Asr.
May The Most High Accept your Ibadah.
Many Happy Returns Of Jummah.
Another Friday, the Master of all days has come again.
The Most Sacred Day With Countless Blessings and Mercies of Allah.
May Allah Shower His Countless Blessings On You and Your Family on This Holy Day.
May Allah reward you abundantly.
Jumma Mubarak.
Oh Allah ..
Open for me the doors to everything good ..
And the doors to peace and security,
And the doors to health and wellness,
And the doors to YOUR blessings,
And the doors of YOUR barakah,
And the doors to strength and perseverance,
And the doors to love and care,
And the doors to YOUR mercy,
And the doors to YOUR sustenance,
And the doors to knowledge,
And the doors to YOUR forgiveness,
And the doors to JANNAH !
Jummah Mubarak
Today is Yaomu Jumat...
May Allah Subhnahanu Watahalah accept all our Ibadah
and grant yous our desires.
Credit Alert!
Date: #DATE#
Depositor: Allah
Amount:Divine favour
Available Bal:Longlife,Good Health,Succes&prosperity.
They ar competin in d Olympic 4Gold,
We ar cmpetin in Ramadan 4 Jannah;
D wrld is wtchin dem...
Allah is wtchin yous!
Their target is pride, glory 4 demselves and contry,
Ours is Aljanatul-firdaus 4 ourself, our family, and frnds.
May Allah Grant yous our youltima8 target and True Success...
O children of Adam!
Wear your beautiful apparel at everytime nd place of solat:
eat drink, be not extravagant_ surely He does not love extravagant.
Barka Jumat
Our Lord!
Make yous not a trial for d disbelievers,
and forgive yous, Our Lord!
Verily, You, only You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.(Q60:5).
Ramadan/Jumat Kareem
Allah says:
"The believers are those who,
when Allaah is mentioned, feel a fear in their hearts and
when His verses are recited younto them,
they increase their faith, and they put their trust in their Lord." [8:2].
The question is are you one of them?
Jumat Mubarak
But for him who fears the standing before his Lord, there will be two gardens(ie in paradise)
then which of the favours of your Lord will you both deny.
we Allah, The Merciful, make yous one of the inheritors of the paradise. Amin.
Happy jumat......
!how was your night?