The current situation in the country is making it more difficult to get by. Like many persons, you have possibly deposited all your cash at the bank and now you cannot get it back even after queuing at the ATM for an entire day.
POS operators are charging tithe for withdrawals. You try to make a transfer, but the money is hanging in thin air. Food supply in the house is going low. The color is RED!
Our hearts off to those of you who are struggling to pull it together and keep your family and business running during this period, you are performing miracles.
We thought to share some 3 tips to help you keep holding on.
1. Prioritize your health: Of all things that we truly need to keep going, our life is number 1. Do not let the current situations make you think so badly that you slip into depression because then it will only get worse than right now. Live one day at a time.
2. Try to keep as much cash as possible: We do not know how long the cash situation is going to persist. hence as much cash ( new currency) as you get in your hands, try to keep it and make use of alternative options for payment. One suggestion is to make friends with traders who at the end of the day might want to deposit their cash at the bank or POS, you can acquire cash from them and make a transfer to their account.
3. Adjust your spending priorities: There are a million and one things you need money for, try to adjust your priorities and stick to activities and expenses that are MOST IMPORTANT.
I made a list of the most important expenses for myself, perhaps yours too can look like this:
(1st) Food
(2nd) Medicine
(3rd) Transportation to work.
(4th) Data
(5th) Airtime
(6th) Electricity.
In the meantime, we hope that things get better very soon, and your business can get back to normal.